Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Effectiveness of Weed & Seed Program?

Hi Everybody,

I'd be interested in getting comments from some long-time residents as to their thoughts on this new appointment, and the effectiveness of the Weed & Seed program in general. I've heard from many people that while good people have volunteered their efforts over the years, and the idea behind the forming of this program was well-intended, that it has had little effect on our neighborhood, other than the occasional free-food party and a yearly neighborhood clean-up. Thousands of dollars come from a state grant for this program and I'd like to get your thoughts on whether or not you think the funds have been well-used. The definition of the grant program is in a link within this article. I find it interesting that someone was appointed just in the nick of time to vote on the incoming funds. Much of the Weed & Seed grant money goes directly to our police department. Would this money be better spent on community policing and programs like the Guardian Angels who run actual foot patrols for us through our neighborhood? I'm really not sure what use of the money would help reduce crime in the neighborhood. Could Weed & Seed be more effective if it was better organized, or should the money be used in some other way althogether? Thoughts?

Express Times Article on Newly Appointed Head of Weed & Seed Program


Anonymous said...

Honestly, before I started going to the Weed & Seed Health committee I thought weed and seed was some sort of DEA initiative.

And outside of what is done in the health committee, I really don't know what else they really do or what their mission or vision is.

Anonymous said...

Wow Noel, thank you for mentioning us. Where money has been concerned, we have thus far been self sufficient via fundraising. This is how most GA chapters run, however any assistance is welcome. Where Weed & Seed is concerned, we have only participated with the Tall Team Summer Nights Program once per week. While I feel the program was productive in giving the kids something to do through the summer, I would like to see more done in the schools. If the Tall Team does have something in place in the schools that I am not aware of, then I apologize. Once our volunteer roster increases we plan to put such a program in place with the permission of the superintendent of schools.

Kelly "Dolphin" Souders
Easton Ch. Guardian Angels