Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gary's Good-bye and New Poll!

Farewell message to Gary on Slainte's window last night

Posted by: Noel Jones

So last night was Gary Bertsch's going away party at Slainte, and West Ward residents came out to say good-bye, along with Mayor Panto, Councilwoman Vulcano and our new West Ward rep on City Council, Mike Fleck. Also on hand, of course, were representatives of from CACLV (Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley--the umbrella org over the West Ward Neighborhood Partnership) comprised of Alan Jennings and Janet Ney. All in all it was a pretty festive occasion, but I know a lot of us will miss Gary's friendly face around the neighborhood, and are wondering what comes next for the WWNP?

Below I have posted a new poll for residents, as to what qualities in a person should be taken most into account when choosing a new director for a nonprofit that determines how millions of dollars that have come through our neighborhood will be spent to help revitalize our neighborhood and help low-income families. I got as many potential answers as I could from our blog administrators, but since this format doesn't have a way of accepting a write-in vote for "other," if I've missed anything, please post it in a comment here. But for now, please scroll down and cast your vote!
Here are some pictures from the party last night. Gary will be missed--and who knows, maybe he'll think of us once in a while when basking in sunny Florida? (But we won't hold that against him!)

Gary has been the director of the West Ward Neighborhood Partnership for the last five years, and I have known him for the last three to be an ubiquitous figure in the neighborhood. Almost any community meeting I went to, Gary was there.  He was there when we planted the community gardens last year, and was there to make sure that anyone who wanted street trees got trees. He leaves behind a legacy of greenery that has softened the concrete feel of many WW blocks under his care, I will miss having him as a neighbor as well.

Congratulations, Gary.


Awe-Inspiring Earth: People, Places and Things! said...

I would add a requirement to the poll: Must live in the West Ward.

noel jones said...

That is already a requirement, but I understand that at least one applicant was from outside the WW and would have to move to the WW if he gets the job, which is why I put "familiarity with the WW and its residents" on the poll.

Once started the polls can't be edited, but I'm always looking for ideas for new poll for the neighborhood, so if anyone has ideas, please post them here!

So far we have had four polls:

1. What issues are most important to you in bringing about change in the WW?

2. Who do you think did best the candidates forum? (This was after the blog sponsored a candidates forum for the WW City Council primary)

3. What businesses/stores would you like to see open up in the WW?

4. (The current one at the bottom of the home page)

What are some other good ideas for reader polls?

Sandra Walters Weiss said...

I agree with the Grey Haired Harbinger,Gary did a great job and whomever is chosen certainly has his/her work cut out for them. So good luck to all the applicants and I for one look forward to seeing the light shine on the "West Ward" and future developments continue to flourish!