Know Thyself
Posted by: Noel JonesHappy New Year Everyone. Now begins the fun of drafting and crafting New Year's Resolutions! And as always, we can either set realistic goals, keep them and feel good about ourselves while making progress, or weigh ourselves down with a list of restrictions and unattainable targets that make us give up and feel like losers while we backslide.
With regard to revitalizing the West Ward and Easton at large, one aspect of the struggle that seems to be even more of an obstacle than any perceived obstructionism on the part reluctant political officials locally and/or nationally is burn-out, due to unrealistic demands of progressive citizens on themselves. The irony being, that as a result of trying too hard, we can easily wear ourselves out until we cease trying at all. Progress is an endurance game--endurance against disappointment and frustration in the face of change that comes so incrementally, it can, at times seem to not be coming at all. But it is coming.
It is important for all of us to be honest with ourselves about the levels of community activism that we can realistically maintain without burning out, the time and energy and manner in which we can afford to commit to revitalizing our community without getting frustrated, giving up and doing nothing at all. If we can each take personal stock both of what our best talents and the time restrictions of our schedules are, we can find the right niche of activism in which to commit our time long-term and not feel bad when we can't be everywhere at once. Some of us have valuable professional experience to contribute. Some are great with people and getting information out to the community. Some are gardeners, construction workers or craftsman who can teach and contribute time. Some have a way with children and teens. Some are good speakers, and some are shy but inspirational writers. Some are willing to attend meetings and be counted. Some maintain their properties and businesses to combat blight and clean up the trash on their blocks. Some keep an eye out for trouble and call the police when they see suspicious activity. Everyone is different in what they can realistically give without burning out, so I think a good credo for any active resident who wants to bring about change is, "Know thyself" so as not to disappoint thyself into doing nothing at all.
So I'd like to invite everyone to give it some thought, and think of the best ways that each of us can dedicate a realistic amount of time and energy to revitalization this year. Something that won't invite burnout--whether it's attending a certain number of City and County Council or School Board meetings, or picking up our blocks once a week, writing letters to the editors of local papers, posting regularly to this blog to contribute to the public dialogue, or volunteering at one of our local nonprofit orgs, there is something that everyone can do on a regular basis to contribute to bringing positive change to Easton.
What are your resolutions so far this year? Are they realistic? Post them here!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's hoping 2010 is a great year of progress for our neighborhood...
Noel Jones
Neighbors of Easton
My resolution is to administer the blog, post once a week, and attend one City Council meeting per month...
My resolution is to try and do what Noel is trying to do.
ha ha--good we can sit together!
I resolve to continue shining the light of gratitude from the West Ward! When I do, miracles happen!
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