Friday, October 29, 2010

Jake Towne Endorsed by the Express-Times

Jake Towne, candidate for U.S. House 
of Representatives, 15th Congressional District

Posted by: Noel Jones

Following the debate at the State Theatre last week, hosted by the Express-Times, our local paper has done some independent thinking and endorsed the Independent candidate for the 15th Congressional District: Jake Towne. The ET's endorsement comes despite Towne's single digit percentage in recent polls, and is offered as an antidote to the other candidates' mudslinging campaigns. Since newspapers typically like to endorse someone they think will win, this is a particularly bold move on the part of the ET. The paper also recommends Towne for his transparency, and bold ideas for change, including bringing an end to America's foreign occupations and wars, which he claims have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars and are driving our country into an economic depression.

If you're interested in meeting Jake Towne face to face and asking him questions about his positions, come to the Rally to Restore Sanity event at Porter's Pub in Easton tomorrow afternoon 12pm - 3pm. Jake Towne will be doing a one-hour Q-n-A with interested voters.


noel jones said...

The event at Porter's is going to be fun this afternoon--in addition to the TV at the bar, a projector and screen will be set up in the dining room!

Anonymous said...

It figures the Express-Times would endorse a loser like Towne. Tony Rodin and Jake Towne share many of the same traits!

carinne said...

Anonymous-Your fear of writing even your first name shows off what a coward you are. Your “loser” name calling shows your immaturity. Maybe you could find a good “slam book” to write in. Do middle schools still circulate them? When it comes to the NOE blog I would much rather hear intelligent facts or opinions on what you see as someone’s negative qualities. I am sure most readers agree on at least that.