Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Message from the Guardian Angels

Below is a message from Kelly Souders of the Easton chapter of Guardian Angels, explaining their patrol schedule, and desire to start offering programs for youth. These residents amaze me with their level of commitment. For those of us who feel stretched thin by attending a meeting here or there on top of work and family, they are a real inspiration, in that they patrol our neighborhood streets for hours every week:
Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds you doing well and fairing this rainy weather we have been having. I am writing to touch base with you as I have not been as involved with the chapter as I have been in the past. Due to medical issues and working much more, I have had to cut back my volunteer time quite a bit. I know it seems as though I have crawled under a rock and disappeared and for that I apologize. I have had to put myself first for a bit.

Moving on, I want to thank all of you for your support, suggestions, and constructive criticism over the past year. All three have helped and encouraged us to move onward and upward. First I want to address the word that has come back to me the most recently, and that is that the Guardian Angels are not around much. We are currently patrolling 4-5 days/nights per week. We do one day per week which is either 2-4 PM or 4-6 PM. We started a daytime patrol at the request of parents at bus stops that noticed the gang members were targeting the children as soon as they would step off of the school buses. In doing this we noticed we deterred the older gang members from recruiting during our presence. As I have said many times we will not get rid of the problem but I will do everything I can to see that if even for one days patrol we made it more difficult for the gang members to accomplish their goals by being a thorn in their sides. The remainder of the patrols are after dark and range any where from 8 PM to 4 AM and all hours in between. This is the reason folks may be under the impression we are not out there. They are sleeping. We target the bars after 2 AM which has led us to everything from deterring fights to assisting those that have had one too many drinks home safely either by walking them home, or calling a taxi or designated family member.

Due to the concerns that we are not out there we have decided to join the daylight crowd so to speak. The Easton Farmers Market and Jazz Night in the Circle are perfect opportunities to be seen by the community and interact with our residents. We are not unapproachable and never wanted it to seem that way. We do stay quiet and observe as that is our job, however, we want the residents of Easton to feel that they can approach us with concerns and questions at any time. Since most are not awake when we are patrolling the two events previously mentioned are great opportunities for us to interact with the people of our town. Look for us to be out and about when the sun is up.

Our next goal for our second year of operation is to become more involved with the youth in Easton. Now, since there are many outreach, after school programs, and Summer programs already up and running in Easton, we do not want to reinvent the wheel. (Thank you Nadine Loane for always reminding me of that.) Her wisdom and strength are in my heart and her wise words remain in my mind.

I am reaching out to the Boys & Girls Club, the Teen Center, and any and all youth programs in Easton. We would like to get out and start talking to the youth of all ages about the Guardian Angels and what we do. There is a Junior & Urban division of Guardian Angels and we feel it is time to get those branches of our organization up and running here in Easton. It starts with awareness, interacting with the youth and eventually mentoring them to start a Jr. Program. After speaking with several school officials they feel that it is not necessary to have us come into the schools for presentations. So, I am asking you as mentors, parents, teachers, counselors etc. to consider having a presentation at your groups "home" so to speak. We can educate the children and give them one more option to staying off of the streets.

In closing I ask one final thing. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone in your contact list. Pass the word. Thank you all for your endless work in all you do for the City of Easton. No matter the organization you are affiliated with, we are all working for one common goal. To make Easton, the town in which we live, a brighter safer place to live and raise our children.

Be Safe & God Bless,

Kelly Souders
Chapter Administrator
Easton Guardian Angels

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