Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fixing up Dutchtown Park!

Below is a message from Cathy Stoops regarding a group of residents that has started getting together to develop plans to fix up Dutchtown Park (which some residents call "Walnut Park"):

A project may be underway shortly involving Dutchtown Park - some call it Walnut Street Park.  It is located between Walnut and Pine, between 6th and 7th.  Basically the project's goal is to increase usage of the park by making it more safe for everyone but especially for young children.  This will require creating some boundaries between the park and the alleys and parking lots adjacent to it.  The intention is to use natural and natural looking materials as much as possible to preserve the natural open beauty of this pocket park.  West Ward residents that are interested in the future development of this park can attend the West Ward Neighborhood Partnership's Human Services Committee meetings (the first Wednesday of every month at 3:00) or can contact Cathy Stoops at

Thank you.

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