Saturday, October 16, 2010

Small Public Victory in Fracking Battle! KEEP THE PRESSURE ON.

Let's cause a ripple! Call the Delaware River Basic Commission today:
(609) 883-9500 or and tell them you want safety studies to protect our drinking water completed before more gas drilling occurs.

Posted by: Noel Jones

We the Public have won a small victory in the battle to protect our drinking water and property values from unregulated fracking for natural gas along the Delaware watershed, which provides 15 million people with our drinking water! Yesterday's note from Tracy Carluccio of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network is below:

Breaking News!

The public is influencing the [Delaware River Basin Commission] DRBC’s rulemaking process! The DRBC is NOT issuing its draft regulations today, as they expected to.

This was posted this afternoon, October 15, 2010 on the DRBC website:

“The draft natural gas regulations are not yet ready for public distribution. The commissioners are working with staff to continue refining the draft regulations to ensure protection of basin waters while minimizing regulatory duplication. The draft regulations will likely be published in November or December 2010, and will be accompanied by a public rulemaking process. This process will entail two public hearings and a written comment period”

It is critical that we all keep up the pressure to prevent the draft natural gas regulations from being issued BEFORE the cumulative impact assessment has been completed. This federal funded comprehensive study must be done FIRST and then the information learned used to inform the regulations that the DRBC will adopt regarding gas development in the Delaware River Watershed.  This is essential to reach the required goal of prevention of pollution and degradation to the Delaware River and the water supply for more than 15 million people.



Tracy Carluccio
Deputy Director
Delaware Riverkeeper Network
300 Pond Street, 2nd Floor
Bristol, PA 19007
Phone:  215 369 1188 ext 104
Cell: 215-692-2329
Fax:  215 369 1181
Remember the River


noel jones said...

For those of you who may wonder why I am posting so much about this as opposed to other news stories, it's because I am convinced that fracking for natural gas in the Delaware River watershed is an impending health crisis--and financial crisis--of potentially epic proportions to our area. If these drillers are allowed to open 50,000 new wells as they have planned, we risk losing our clean drinking water, buying it for drinking, cooking, washing and bathing FOREVER, and losing our property values because of it. This is what has happened in Dimock, PA. How much do you think a 500 gallon tank of water per month will costs your home when you have to haul it each month from miles away?

Big Gas does not care about us--they care about making money. It's time to FIGHT or LOSE our way of life!

Please make a phone call or send and email TODAY.

LVCI said...

I too have been concerned over this for months..
See my Marcellus Shale concerns HERE

noel jones said...

LVCI--thanks for posting and welcome aboard!

Dennis R. Lieb said...

In a televised debate I saw tonight between the candidates for governor, Corbett conceded he has taken $400,000 from big gas and oil and therefore will not support any tax on drilling for any reason, including environmetal regulation or clean-up. When asked directly if he would support a moratorium on drilling until best practices are evaluated, Onorato's one word answer was an emphatic no.

Two assholes who both deserve to be cleaning toilets in a Wal-Mart for the next four years.

There is no such thing as local self-governance or Constitutional Democracy in Pennsylvania. We may have to become quite a bit more civicly disobedient to have that point sink in with our pals in the Harrisburg Politburo.


LVCI said...

I simple story my wife told me. A couple of times a year her coworker and husband go to Wellsboro, Pa. They love it out there. Both were even considering retiring out there. They haven't been back since this past Spring because she said when they went out they always stop by a certain dairy farm. They couldn't believe their eyes the last time because there was a drilling well on the farm!

Although she couldn't be certain that the farmer was under eminent domain, she did say he was complaining loudly about it. Out of concerns over what they may be drinking in the water when they stay in Wellsboro, neither them plan on returning. Both are quite ticked that this has happened. How Many More Untold Stories?

noel jones said...

LVCI--thanks for sharing that story--people have got to wake up and wake up FAST. The questions are simple: What do you want your state to BE like? Cities where you can drink the water, pristine rivers and forests where you can hunt, fish, hike and camp? Rolling farms and fields in between? Isn't this what we love about Pennsylvania?

Or do we want to gas wells everywhere with their "Christmas trees" as they call the rigging in the industry--sounds harmless, doesn't it? Just little "Christmas trees" everywhere...and miles-long fish kills, deer bounding around giant gas tanks in barren fields, toxic sludge sprayed on the roads, or in evaporation pits for us to breathe, and tap water that we can set on fire after we discover we have brain lesions...over half of it to make MORE PLASTIC.

Merry Christmas, PA--all our money troubles are over! We don't have to cut anything--and it doesn't matter that we were wastefully spending in the past, because all we have to do is tax them and let them plant their "trees" in our back yards and farms and forests and floodplains--50,000 of them awaiting permits RIGHT NOW--and everything will be ok--all our budgets will be balanced--HURRAY.

Or, we can all carve out time to call and write the DRBC and our elected officials to put a stop to it. It's our call--literally.

Ghen Dennis said...