Sunday, May 2, 2010

Clean Streets At Last in the West Ward

What parking problem?

Posted by: Noel Jones

I ran home for a quick lunch break last Friday, and was delighted to see our newly cleaned block on S. 8th Street (pictured above). The new street sweeper cleans our block on Fridays during the window of 9am - 12pm, when most people are at work. I present the photo above as Exhibit A that there is no parking problem in the West Ward (at least not on our block) during the day.

I want to again thank all the residents who were engaged enough to bring up the clean streets issue in one resident meeting after another without losing faith in the effort, and I want to thank Mayor Panto, Councilwoman Elinor Warner and our Public Works department for making it a reality and doing such a great job. This is progress we can see when we step out our doors.

How's the new street cleaning program going on your block? 


Sandra Walters Weiss said...

Excellent and the traffic authority and officers have been great.They issue a warning because I was confused,my normal state.I believe it is the heat spell/LOL And I was issued a warning and then wow my street was cleaned! I am at the 1100 block of Ferry and we get a lot of stuff blown down from the park.Well it seems to be working,the City and the Weed & Seed workers clean the Park.I think everyone involved from the Mayor and the workers who make it happen are doing great so far. It is nice to see a clean street,even for the day.Hopefully people will take personal responsibility and this will become a winning situation!

Julie Zando-Dennis said...

Noel -- You beat me to it -- my new post was going to be an image of a bouquet of flowers for the mayor, city council, and residents of the West Ward who made street sweeping possible. It makes a HUGE difference. Very perceptible difference. Amazing the change that can happen when we work together.

Nikkita said...

What a pretty picture! It's nice to see that good things do happen and persistance does pay!

Anonymous said...

don't call it "clean streets at last in the west ward", call it "clean streets in some of, but not all of the west ward". come on over to little San Juan north of Wood and see how they do things (or not do things). I guess we don't get dirty streets here.
do it all or none of it. hundreds of households here are not benefitting at all.

Alan Raisman said...

They also added routes to College Hill and South Side. The whole city is being swept!

Fia said...

It has made a very noticeable difference on my block (900 Ferry)and around the corner on South 10th. It is so nice to walk home from work and not see trash in the streets anymore. It is a welcome change.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:14

I believe I read that more streets will be added and that even streets that are not posted will be cleaned as time permits. And guess what, my street isn't posted and it was swept. So have faith, be happy that the program has started in some areas and grab a broom and sweep your own --- for now!

Anonymous said...

will hafta keep cleaning my street myself, since as another said, we ain't getting cleaned up on 8th and jackson. wathced a guy turn the corner the other day, dropped his empty gatorade right on the street! I couldn't get out of my car quick enough, I was ready to throw it at him! the gutters up her are always clogged, can't wait to dsee waht they look like later after the rain.
thanks easton for ignoring us!

carinne said...

The old streets that have always been part of the sweeping program never received the same thoughtful consideration to the residents when determining cleaning times. South 7th is ticketed at 7AM on Tuesdays and Fridays. As one of the more difficult streets to find parking a later time would greatly benefit employed residents. I have received 2 tickets already in April because I choose to park within a block of my house. I wrote to Public Works and Sal Panto regarding this. Only Sal responded. He appreciated the suggestion and will look into it. I hope.

Sandra Walters Weiss said...

Rome was not built in a day folks let's give it some time and not be critical.To paraphrase a group saying."I can't,WE can!"

Anonymous said...

Sandra, w/ all due respect, WE have no control over it, its all up to Dave Hopkins director of public works, whose job description is "always say no and vigorously defend that position to the death".
sorry sarcasm is in my blood. but, 'WE' can hope the get their schit together before it backs up and drowns us all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe the negative comments and the personal assualt on individuals I have always found to be considerate and helpful. My street isn't on the list yet but I drive manyof the streets that are and I feel good about the amount of trash they have picked up already.

Seems to be a lot of positives happening in the city these days and you who will still be obstinate and inconsiderate you always can move. Watch out --- the proverbal grass is definelty not greener on the other side.

Sandra Walters Weiss said...

No we have no control other than our own and having lived and served this City for longer than I like to remember..there is no perfect world and you don't change behavior overnight,a lot of changes have taken place,good and bad but unless we support an effort,THEN WE GET NOTHING!And as for fighting City Hall,I have found everyone accessible and even when I don't agree with what I am told at times,there is communication.Remember this is the second time around of the Street Sweeping issue and even a city has to crawl before it walks!!!

Dennis R. Lieb said...

My feelings on implimenting street cleaning or any other public good that the citizenry desires is the same. We must be in constant communication with the city department heads. I have not always agreed or gotten along with many of the past appointees - or fro that matter the current group of Hopkins, Bradley, Cawley, etc.

What I DO try to do is not burn bridges, keep the focus on what I do or don't like about the programs and the processes and not make it personal. The amount of anonymous badmouthing the city gets gets on this blog appalls even me - a major critic over city operations over the years.

What I have learned from watching closely and taking a devil's advocate position on everything (including stuff I myself approve of) is that the city departments go to work like anyone else and try to do a job that can become hermeticaly sealed to public input as a matter of routine. Our job is to puncture that bubble from time to time and keep scraping away at business-as-usual barnacles until we hit a live nerve and get some reaction.

Frankly, that is why we have street cleaning today. They weren't going to do it unless someone...anyone could show them two things: A) there was legitimate public desire for it and B) that we could do it in an effective and economically acceptable way.

Let's continue to work on the city. Keep lobbying for what we need. Keep suggesting better ways to get it. Stop personalizing the attacks as if they are pissing in your pool. They just need to be kept aware that we are out here, we want to help and we are not the enemy.


noel jones said...

Well said, Dennis.