Posted by Julie Zando-Dennis
Is it just me, or has Christmas come early this year? Every evening last summer, like clockwork, I would see a group of 8 to 10 gangbangers have a “meeting” at a corner store, then disburse throughout the neighborhood, with their matching colors, jeans to their knees, and cell phones in hand.
This summer . . . they’re not there. Not on the corner. Not on the streets. Sure, I’ve seen a couple of gangbangers, but nothing like the concerted group from last year. Easton police -- whatever you’re doing, keep it up because it seems to be working. And kudos to concerned residents who are taking a stand and/or intervening to make positive change. Anybody else have the impression that the gang presence has abated?
We do still see hand-offs on our intersection, and the occasional double-parked car, booming its music, with someone leaning in the window, but we have noticed that it's much less than last year. Last night David and I walked home from Porters around 11pm and it was absolutely still and peaceful at our intersection. I said, "hey--do you hear that?" and he said, "what?" and I said, "exactly!" It felt like a sleepy summer neighborhood...a nice change.
By the way, I love the image you picked!
My neighborhood is noticeably better as well. I am impressed and hoping that whatever is being done continues. Every neighborhood has gangs and drugs, even the burbs, but Easton and the WW are definetly improving.
I like the picture of Santa, because sometimes in life...particularly with govt. agencies things do just seem to appear and we wonder. I have no doubt that EPD, and others have been working hard behind the scenes.
They've mpved into community policing quietly but noticeably. I know the patrols on our street have picked up, when we first moved here we were lucky to see an EPD car drive by if they weren't called, period. Now we see an EPD car drive by a few times a day...and oddly the occasional Sheriff's car or Bethlehem PD, we've become downright civilized and we are not the only ones on the street to notice. As to the why...well back to Santa, I can guess at a few things, but like the presents under the tree I really have no idea. Just thrilled to see them. So I'll thank Mayor Panto, and Chief Palmer...and go on my way. We still have regular annoyances, loud people and the like... but as you've mentioned, it seems as though actual crime has gone elsewhere (or is at least hiding better).
Thanks Julie,
Credit where credit is due. And do give some to yourselves - my fellow neighbors of Easton!
The basketball courts are keeping my neighborhood busy right now. Lots of young kids with no where else to go. Once it gets hot out they will be somewhere else. Typical day in my neighborhood.
I'm somewhat oblivious to this issue...my immediate neighborhood has never fully relented to the drug/gangbang culture. (We have quality-of-life issues to deal with.) Therefore I don't have any particular knee jerk reaction to take the local temperature of gangbang activity when the weather warms up.
Some people have different reactions to seeing adolescents in clown-like garb. Many may shy away with dread. For some reason, I can't help but crack up every time I see one. When one dresses like a clown, speaks like clown and acts like a clown then I've always believed laughter at their expense is justified...as someone else I know once said:
Ridicule is the price one must expect to pay for being ridiculous.
I have a problem at 12th and Ferry St.but the EAPD is ever vigilant.The street is cleaner but we do have a pretty high noise level.It seems like the alley is the new hangout,where that robbery occurred a few weeks ago.A lot of activity until around 11PM.I want to thank everybody involved both City Hall,Chief Palmer,all the detectives and officers who cruise my street.Oh,and yes Julie,you made me laugh!
Actually, downtown seems easily as rough as the West Ward these days...
We did have a heroine bust on 7th St. a couple of weeks ago, but at least no shootings like the other day downtown...
Tonight is pretty quiet again on 8th & Ferry...
Weed and Seed will host another neighborhood safety meeting led by Lt. Remaley at the Salvation Army building Thursday May 20th at 7:00pm. Law Enforcement strategies will be discussed including warm weather operations involving bicycle patrols and plain clothes/ undercover. Lt. Remaley intends to speak about what specific information the police need from residents in order to be able make arrests.
Laura Accetta
Site Coordinator
Weed and Seed
Thanks for the info Laura!
Yes,thanks for the info Laura,it will be good to know what strategies are planned for the summer plus you always bring food. LOL peace to all,
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