Thursday, June 2, 2011

Neighbors of Easton Goes To Alaska!

Where I'm from.

Posted by: Noël Jones

Hi Everybody, I am reporting to you while back in Alaska visiting family! I haven't been back for almost five years, so the mountains around Anchorage took my breath away like they do every time I come back from "the lower 48." The mountains above are actually from the Seward area, not Anchorage--these mountains, believe it or not, are small compared to most. This shot was taken from my
grandmother's property the last time I was up, which was for my grandmother's funeral. But in the days ahead I will be taking new shots and posting them.

I will also be keeping up with the Easton news and posting local articles as usual, as well as interviewing locals up here about the issues on their minds, to see how many of the same issues we care about are important to people up here. I had an interesting conversation with a woman next to me on the plane, who is getting her PhD in Education and says that they have had deep budget cuts to education up here as well. According to her, people up here have two big issues on their minds. The first is how to keep oil companies investing in the state as oil reserves are becoming depleted--a lot of people are worried that if they don't do more exploring and drilling, the state's budget might really suffer.  The other big issue is something called Pebble Mine, which I intend to find out more about...I can only imagine that there are a lot of people on both sides of these issues...

Sound familiar? Education budgets and concerns about oil and gas exploration? Have I really left PA, or am I just dreaming that I got on a plane?


Anonymous said...


tunsie said...

I yove U.....I want u 2come back cos I will miss u profusely if u leave 4 good....tunsie

noel jones said...

Don't worry, Tunsie, I'll be back--and with stories! I watched a chunk of glacier 5-stories high calve into the sea the other day...